Meet the guides: Cristina Manca di Villahermosa

Cristina Manca Cycling Guide

We keep on telling about real people that “make” the cycling tourism scene of Sardinia. Guides, hotel and restaurant owners, farmers, and leading figures of our island…people you are going to know on our tours. Today we meet Cristina, the classiest guide of the Island:)


Cristina Manca di Villahermosa

Mother of two, Francesco and Chiara, and of a third too, a lovely Dalmatian dog called Virgola (tr. comma).
I’m a flight assistant since 1991.
I live in Cagliari by the sea, on a top of a hill overlooking the whole “Golfo degli Angeli” bay.
I’m definitely related also to the more rural Sardinia, my family comes from Laconi, a village right at the heart of the Island, where my father manages the “Genna e Corte”, a marvelous agriturismo. All the area is surrounded by archaeological sites, like the Nuraghe itself located by our agriturismo named after it, and the mysterious “Menhirs” (big stones like the ones in Stonehenge), rising from the countryside.
One of my brothers is Jaime, and he’s the architect that completely restored the Genna e Corte, creating an oasis of charme in the heart of countryside and far from everything.

First steps as a guide

Some years ago I had a kind of sabbatical from my job as a flight assistant, so I started working in a cycling tourism company taking care of the logistics of the tours. Because I loved cycling, I had the desire to be “on the field”, so I started working as a co-guide too. After few tours I was given few tours as a tour leader, and from that moment my life has changed!

What bike represents to you?

Oxygen, light, recharge, energy, joy…bike gives me a perfect balance.
Sometimes the job on the planes can be stressful, so I found on the bike my Mantra, my connexion with universe. I love fast bikes, all my bikes are Cannondale, the mountain bike is the Flash, the road bike is the Six Evo. From time to time i like also racing, but mostly for being with friends and enjoy the final lunch!

A guest you would like to have here

Got it! He’s Hugo, an Australian with German mom and English dad, he’s in love with Europe, that he visits at least twice a year. I knew him on a road bike tour on the Dolomites, he likes also Tuscany and Costiera Amalfitana, but I’m sure he would love our island as much as those beautiful destinations.
Hugo, this is an official invitation to Sardinia!

A place you love, in Sardinia of course

For sure Laconi and our Agriturismo:)
But this is way too easy…but there’s a special place on my heart for the South-West Coast, starting from the wild Costa Verde, then the mining areas of Nebida and Buggerru, the islands of San Pietro and Sant’Antioco, till the astonishing southern coastal road, a never ending selection of little coves and long sandy beaches, with a perfect end in Pula, celebrating with an aperitivo in Piazza del Popolo!

Sardinia, in three things

Well…the fragrance of home made bread while crossing the small villages of the interior, a glass of fresh Vermentino during a warm evening in the summer, and the light of Cagliari during a day with mistral wind.
See you in my Island!

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