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Ogliastra and its cheeses

What kind of person/cyclist are you? Well, in Ogliastra, land of brave men and women, you could sort its mankind in different types, by using an alimentary metaphor: its cheeses. Let’s see: were you a cyclist coming back very tired from your long trip, you’ll be just able to fall weakly on a sofa, ammattulàu. As […]

Sardinia Grand Tour cycling itinerary

Sardinia Grand Tour, Island’s cycling itinerary

Probably, the world’s most popular cycling itinerary is the Danube cycling route, starting from Passau, then arriving in Vienna. A longer version arrives till Budapest. France has the “Loire a Velo”, an itinerary that discovers the castles along the river from Orleans till Nantes and the Atlantic ocean. England has the C2C, a coast to […]

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